Saturday, November 22, 2008

4th Week of Practicum

I didn't notice any new use of technology this week in my classroom. As always, the overhead was used for several lessons. It is used specifically for spelling, grammar, and writing. The kids really seem to enjoy this and it keeps their attention focused. There is also a daily use of computers at their time of centers. A small group uses a few computers together. They play learning games off of They all really enjoy this. There is not much other use of technology in the classroom.
I used the same amount of technology as I did in the previous weeks. I used the overhead to teach spelling and grammar. And then I also used the computers with the children to explain the games to them. Technology lessons seem to really catch their attention. It is something they are not used to and enjoy.
I know that the school has a computer lab. I think it would be useful for the class to use this lab once a week to get more familiar with the computers. Computers can be so useful if only children knew everything they could do on them. I think they should go to the computer lab and have lessons on everything they can do on the computers.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

3rd Week of Practicum

This week I basically saw the same amount of use of technology in my classroom. My teacher uses an overhead every day for many lessons. This seems to really keep the kid's attention focused in one area. For math, she also used an audio CD for the kids to listen to. The CD explained the worksheets the students were to complete. This class really enjoyed this. Besides these few things, there really is not much technology used in my classroom.
I taught my technology lesson this week! I did a virtual tour on google earth. A few days earlier, my partner did a tour about the earth in general. She talked about islands, oceans, continents, and countries. Then I did a more specific tour on the 7 continents. So I used a laptop and a projector for my lesson and went through the tour with the children on google earth. I talked about each continent and showed them pictures that went along with each continent. The kids were so fascinated by this. They had never seemed to see the projector or laptop used before in the classroom. The lesson went really well and they enjoyed the tour on google earth. With other mini lessons I did throughout the week, I also used the overhead.
I feel that technology could be used a lot more with teaching math. I don't have a specific idea, but they could practice math priniciples by playing math games on the computer. They would enjoy this while also improving their math skills.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

2nd Week of Practicum

I saw a little more use of technology this week in the classroom. The teacher always uses a computer when she first comes in. She checks it for announcements concerning school activities. Every morning at centers, the students have a center for computers. There are a group of computers right outside the classroom. They go to a certain website and play learning games. These either involve numbers, writing, or spelling. An overhead is used a lot throughout the day. Almost for every lesson. The teacher teaches her lessons through explanations that she writes on the overhead for the whole class to see. I didn't see any negative aspects of technology used in the classroom.
I used the overhead in my teaching this week. I found this was a great way to teach my lessons. The whole class can see and they seem interested to see what I will write next. I felt it helped me to manage the class as well while teaching my lesson. I will continue to use the overhead in my lessons. I feel it is a great resource.
I thought this week that it would be a great idea to use my virtual tour that I created for my classroom. I think they would really enjoy it and find it interesting. I think it would be something unique that they never would have seen before. It would be a great way to grab the student's attention.